Re: America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 - The USCHO debates
You're reading WAY more into that post then I actually said. The dichotomy is with liberals, who by definition are proponents of a big and inefficient government, claiming they can rid a sector of our lives of inefficiencies with a big and inefficient government program. And perhaps I could have worded my post better in that regard.
There's two issues at work, one is providing universal coverage, the other is cost containment. The government can certainly fix the former, and frankly is something that ultimately it should fix; the latter one is the trickier part. Mixing the two together leads to things like Death Panels!!!***OMG!!!
I also wish people would stop intermixing the terms universal insurance and universal coverage.
Insurance is something you buy hoping to never need (fire insurance, auto insurance, etc.). We do this because it's generally better for all if everyone pays a little at a time in order to protect against an unforseen cataclysmic event. This is why pre-existing conditions cannot and should not be covered by health insurance; you can't get fire insurance after your house has already burned down, you shouldn't be able to get health insurance for your broken arm after it's already broken.
But that doesn't mean pre-existing conditions shouldn't be covered or treated by something. Just that you shouldn't be calling it insurance at that point, because then you're not insuring against an unforseen future, you're seeking coverage for an already present ailment.
Frankly, I think the government should provide some basic level of service, and pay for it through a medicare-type tax on all incomes. That's the only way you'll get universal coverage of everyone without bankrupting hospitals, which frankly needs to happen. Beyond that basic level, health insurance providers should be able to compete however they wish to provide supplementary care/expedited services/etc. for those who wish to pay for them.
It'd also be nice if you could charge fat people or smokers or others who mistreat their own bodies higher premiums, similar to how reckless drivers face higher auto premiums. I suppose you can do that by raising cigerette taxes in conjunction with any health care bill; not sure how you'd get after the obese, though.