That this is happening should surprise nobody. When
a poll finds that 68 percent of Americans are satisfied with their health care coverage and and 74 percent rate their health care as good to excellent, it tells you that many people are concerned that something they like is going to change for the worse.
Do most Americans want health care costs brought under control and lowered? Yes. Do most Americans want people to be able to purchase affordable health care insurance if they want it? Yes.
Unfortunately for Obama, that doesn't translate into most Americans wanting a huge government bureaucracy attempting to manage health care and ballooning an already massive federal deficit in the middle of a recession. So it's no wonder that many people get upset when Democrats propose a fix for something that a majority of Americans don't think is broken.
Not even close. In fact, it's the exact opposite of what's going on with health care. The Sioux name protestors represent the minority of a minority. They want to force their views on the majority. It's a change that even a majority of the alleged victims oppose.
With health care, a majority of Americans are largely satisfied with the status quo and don't want to risk fouling up a system that -- for the most part -- works for them. They're not opposed to lowering health care costs and helping the less fortunate, but they don't want to do it in a manner that jeopardizes what they have.