Simple question.
Why is ObamaCare worth the deprivation of your own personal liberty?
I'd just like to say that after careful consideration I consider this legislation and the process of said legislation a disaster.
You sound surprised?
I was hopeful. I'm not always a pessimist.
I thought this was a decent anaolgy.
Substitute "your customers" for "the government." If your customers didn't think your restaurant was a ripoff they wouldn't be setting up their own. If your customers can get better, cheaper meals by setting up a co-op that's not run for profit, isn't that their rational choice? If their current choice is either eating at your restaurant or not eating at all, are you saying that the customers who can't afford your restaurant should willingly starve to death?
Because it beats the heck out of McDonalds!(why do we always wind up using food for our analogies? )
So we ration care?
Two things stand out to me: 1) add the 30% who feel they'll benefit from the plan + 44% who feel others will and that's roughly the 70% who think major structural changes are needed. So if people think change is needed, 3/4ths think his plan will help themselves or others, and a small but real majority favor his plan, even after all the negative press, that's not a bad place to be right now.
The first thing a private company like UPS or FedEx would do if they were to take over the Post Office would be to close down a bunch of redundant branches to cut down on costs; I'm not sure why doing something that a private company would do is evidence that the USPS is worse than a private company. (The fact that it took them so long to figure this out probably is, though.)The government is going to shut down more post offices since they can't even make a profit delivering mail. UPS and Fedex need to show them how it's done.
I guess tumors cause repetition now?
It's too bad Priceless didn't live in Canada since he wouldn't be alive today if he did. Healthcare wouldn't cost so much if it wasn't for people like Priceless
Aw, don't be so hard on yourself.
It's too bad Priceless didn't live in Canada since he wouldn't be alive today if he did. Healthcare wouldn't cost so much if it wasn't for people like Priceless
You think that too,eh?
Seriously, can we just shut up about Canada it happens to be home to some of us here..
Go back and check some of the dates of GBB's posts, and then match that up with where I was at that time. Or do you think I was hanging out at the Alfond instead of at Mass General?