My sentiments exactly. Gary and Mallory should have called for another cab if possible. I would have liked to see another memory challenge at the end, though without the use of notes that has made it too easy in recent seasons. The 7 mile bike ride was anticlimactic since they never showed the K&J and the GT's in the same camera knew it wasn't even close.Kisha and Jen were probably the team I would have least liked to win but I didn't dislike them as much this time around. Close race and Gary and Mallory also done in by a cab driver. Interesting no memory challenge on the places they have been on the final leg.
Never knew Kisha was a lesbian, or that Luke was gay as well.
If you lose cuz of something you did wrong or weren't able to do that's one thing. When you lose cuz you managed to find the one cab driver in Miami that doesn't know his way around Miami that's another thing. The last leg seemed like more of a scavenger hunt than anything else, but I guess you don't want the show becoming too predictable. Pretty cool season all told. Sunday evenings are going to seem a little empty, so hopefully CBS picks it up for another season.
I was thinking the same thing. The last leg always comes down to a decent cab driver. There are never really any lead changes in these final legs so whoever gets an early lead will keep it. There was not really any place to catch up. The loader roadblock was pretty lame since there wasn't really any way you could do that much faster. The only place to make up time would be to quickly find the clue with the sub.
Zev made a comment that I wondered about. Is there a rule stating each team member must do the same number of roadblocks? I know there was in the past but I don't know if that is still a rule. Why else would Zev need to do the dancing roadblock if they didn't have to be even at some point?