Well, it's been a calm and happy night but now I'm going to go on a rant. I'm not directing this at you (but you brought it up so it just hit a nerve).
<rant>Let's just replay every second of every game forever. If there was a bug on the blue line in the 1st period causing the puck to skip, then history has been changed forever, right?
I mean, how far do you go back? At least in baseball or football there's a "finite" time to a "play." What if there is no stoppage for eight minutes? Someone scores a goal. Do you go back and watch eight minutes of footage to ensure that there wasn't a "violation" somewhere?
So we are going to create a perfect world where nobody ever makes a mistake? Where does it end? And people wonder why officials are "tentative" or "afraid to make a call." As a former official I can tell you that if there was someone looking over my shoulder every second I would quit the game. Players make mistakes all the time, but officials can't? Mistakes are part of the game. The obsessive scrutiny (under the guise of "it's more important that they 'got it right'") is excessive. Let's just play a virtual reality computer game instead.
This has nothing to do with who won the game. Something has to be done about this stuff (and the same people who scream in favor of replay are screaming about the "length" of games). I mean seriously...what would have happened if they scored at 10:05 of overtime and there hadn't been a stoppage since 1:25? Seriously. Would they review the previous 8:40 to look for an infraction? And if there was an offside at 1:28, would they set the clock back and start again from there? This is so ridiculous. People make mistakes and you just have to let it go. OR...do what football and baseball do and give each coach two challenges. If Madigan thought it was offside, he can challenge. But reviewing EVERY score as far back as the previous stoppage (I mean, I assume that's what they do, because if not, it's even worse because then it would be "arbitrary") is insane. </rant>