That's fine, and I say this while also saying that Merrimack is a better hockey team than Maine and will win this series based on skill and not playing dirty hockey, and also admit that Maine is not the cleanest team in the league now or in the past:
Merrimack's reputation as a dirty team is hard earned over the past 20+ years, and it will take a lot more than one season to erase that reputation. This season isn't even helping much, thanks to Bigos. Most teams have had players that everyone else hated (Maine had Ryan, BC had P. Eaves and Orpik, BU had Freddy Meyer, etc.), some teams have been so anonymous that I can't remember a particular guy (Lowell, Providence, NU, UVM), but only Merrimack stands out as "guaranteed to devolve into a mess with 60+ penalty minutes" every single year.