Hug someone you care about...
So in NYC they attacked Puerto Ricans and Blacks so far? Over/under on Jews?
So in NYC they attacked Puerto Ricans and Blacks so far? Over/under on Jews?
I've honestly never hated a person more in my life than I have grown to hate Donald Trump in the past 15 years. It disturbs me that I feel the way that I do about him, because I wasn't raised to think or feel this way about anyone. But apparently 30-40% of the country feel this way about anyone who isn't a lily white, straight Christofascist. It's gross.
Yeah, I'm not proud of my inner dialogue. It's not who I was raised to be either. I guarantee we're not the only ones.
Which is why we must purge this kind of bigotry from the country through the ballot box
We need to get you off twitter and onto Bluesky. There's been a 20% bump in users over the last three weeks. It will keep growing. The dialogue there is good and the block feature does an incredible job at cultivating your feed (which is NOT an algorithm).
Lmao Bad Bunny JLo and Ricky Martin already sharing a Kamala statement on Puerto Rico to their over 315 million followers
We need to get you off twitter and onto Bluesky. There's been a 20% bump in users over the last three weeks. It will keep growing. The dialogue there is good and the block feature does an incredible job at cultivating your feed (which is NOT an algorithm).
If Bluesky was a bit more user friendly (and had as much goofy fun as Threads does) I would have used it more. Maybe after the election...
It isn’t terribly easy to be someone that isn’t for the complete destruction of Israel on Bluesky, so get thick skin or be ready to block quickly.
Waiting until after the election is smart.
BTW Elmo is 100% cooking the books for Tesla. There is no chance they posted one of their best quarters in 3 years randomly now. And the Cybertruck is somehow profitable? Does not pass the smell test...
If Harris wins there will be looming charges on him before the Midterms.
Walz is fantastic.
Even my spirit animal has chimed in.
Trump and Mike Johnson have a little secret, they'll tell us when the race is over, because this is totally how sane people think and act.
My SO says the rumor is proof that Trump faked the assassination attempt...I would say the chances of that are .001% but if it's true that would be the ultimate October Surprise!
Regardless of what the rumor is, it's supposed to have come out in a day or two for two weeks now, so **** or get off the pot.
That is what I said...if something is out there reveal it or go the heck away.