Trump says Arlington was a setup. Damn DNC created an entire military cemetery with strict rules overnight just to trap him!
They forced him to grin and thumbs-up over the graves of the dead, too. Damn Demo-RATS!
Trump says Arlington was a setup. Damn DNC created an entire military cemetery with strict rules overnight just to trap him!
The New York Times mainstreaming deportation as a means to help tne housing prices is...ARE YOU PHUCKING KIDDING ME!!
Trump says Arlington was a setup. Damn DNC created an entire military cemetery with strict rules overnight just to trap him!
A setup by who...the family he said invited him to be there and take pictures?
That would be twice in 24 hours he threw that family under the bus as he tried to insinuate that for all he know they put up the video ad of him at the grave not his people.
And they'll probably cut him another check tomorrow. Fckin' dumba55es.
Yesterday, in Potterville, Michigan, Trump claimed there were “thousands and thousands of people outside — as far as the eye could see — as we were driving up.”
Local WLNS 6 News got footage of this moment...and yikes.
A Trump rallygoer "stormed into the press area" and was subdued by police "moments after Trump criticized major media outlets for what he said was unfavorable coverage and dismissed CNN as fawning for its interview" with Harris and Walz https://apnews.com/article/trump-rally-arrest-taser-media-68fe78b79ae65556c4efc850e142998c
"You have smart ones and you have some that aren’t quite so good."
Unearthed video: JD Vance attacks women “who can't have kids” because they “passed the biological period when it was possible” as “miserable” people who “have no real value system” and struggle to find “meaning”
Why doesn’t he also go after their spouses? Weak sauce.https://www.threads.net/@kamalahq/p...QGzd9_pWAJ5S1FGwCV7DIo7dcAjHH4_UtMfwS0fRRB29Q
He is the gift that keeps on giving!
Walz will be at the state fair tomorrow
secret service gonna love this
On morning news shows, Tom Cotton spews garbage on GOP support for IVF and claims Harris and Biden ignored an invitation to go to ANC last week, reminding why he was an adjunct professor of Lying at Trump University.