Tropical Storm Chris -- a Mayfly existence
Beryl- First cat 4 to ever form in June
Beryl is 7 mph away from a cat 5 now
Well, if the prediction of an above-average season comes true, October is going to SUCK!!!! Can't believe we're only on G in the middle of Sept. Katrina was famously on Labor Day weekend, for example.
And just in case any of you lay awake at night worrying about me, we moved ~7 miles inland. Real estate market in Florida remains strong and I just couldn't see it lasting much longer, so we unloaded our monstrosity of a beach property and moved to a house 20% smaller and 80% younger for 50% of the price. Will probably never have to evaculate again - feels good!
Was it a deal where as a seller it was basically just post what you want and let the offers flow in auction style? People still aren't grasping the concept that their properties WILL be destroyed, not IF they will?