Re: 2018 Frozen Four Ticket purchase thread
Priority 6 is on the clock.
Priority 5 on deck, with their window opening on Wednesday.
For those interested in sitting in the Lower Bowl on the Sides, here's a Scouting Report. In all cases I'm referring to the $290 dollar seating in Row 3 and Above:
Section 102: 9 Rows with at least 4 seats together.
Section 105: 10 Rows with at least 4 seats together
Section 115: 11 Rows with at least 4 seats together
Section 118: 5 Rows with at least 4 seats together
The aisle seats are essentially gone. But otherwise, there is a very nice selection of seats in the middle rows and upper rows.
Sections 101, 106, 114 & 119 have no seats available; presumably these are the participating school allotments.
1. In historical context, it's astounding that so many lower bowl/sides seats are available this deep into the lottery. It now appears possible that someone holding even a single priority point will be able to get this seating.
2. Or, maybe demand will spike at the lower priority levels. Maybe. Fans who only attend when the tournament is in St. Paul would currently hold 2 priority points. Fans who attend in the Central Time Zone -- but otherwise not -- could have as many as 6 priority points. So we're just entering the levels where "Upper Midwest Locals" might enter the lottery in substantial numbers. We'll see.
3. Equally astounding is the fact that priority holders are still allowed to buy up to 8 tickets, even as we enter the lower levels. More evidence that sales have been very light.
4. Clearly one factor on the demand side is the ever-increasing price of the tickets. The high price is moving some fans upstairs. Others are electing not to travel at all. The NCAA is dangerously close to killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. If they're smart, they'll hold the line on future price increases for the medium term. If they're really smart, they'll give serious consideration to at least a modest price rollback.
5. On the supply side, I can't help but wonder where all these desirable seats are coming from. Have that many "corporate friends" really dropped out? Or is this a good will gesture by the NCAA? If the latter, I'm quite concerned that it comes a year too late. Disappointment over the lack of lower bowl/ side seating has been festering for years. It appears to me that the Chicago lottery results were the "last straw" for more than a few long-time fans. For an example, see alfablue's post early in this thread.
There's a lot to chew on here. But one takeaway is that if you're a priority holder about to get to the front of the line, you have an opportunity to buy seats in locations that are much better than anticipated.