Re: 2017 Frozen Four Ticket Purchase
priority 13, section 325, row 2, 4 seats.
I could not find 4 seat in the 2xx section at all- always told me that there were no seats....
and I started at 10:02 am.
Looks like you were one of the very first to get closed out of Club. Wish it were otherwise.
Should you wind up on the cusp again in the future, you might want to search for two pairs. Hypothetical Example: Row 7, Seats 1-2 and Row 8, Seats 1-2 would be a nice set-up for a group of 4. But the way the NCAA's system is set up, it could tell you that nothing was available for a party of four, yet my hypothetical case could exist.
Note that gscott13 & Nick PG basically followed this strategy. Working with a partner made it a little easier to pull off. But it would have been possible to buy 2, log off, immediately log back in, and buy 2 more.
...We had much better seats as priority 9, 10, 11, and 12 over the past seasons. And I can't really believe that everyone who skipped (and didn't raise their priority) were able to fill the lower bowl. So there are fewer seats for us to start with.
I know. They just are offering less of the lower bowl IMO. In previous seasons I was able to get lower bowl as well after many years in the balcony.
You guys have it figured out. Virtually no one, even at Priority 20 (of 20), got Lower Bowl on the Sides. Lower Bowl Corners were taken out of the Public Lottery. Plain and simple, fewer Lower Seats were offered.
Up front, the payoff was more Club seats. But I foresaw that once the supply of Club Seats dwindled, people were going to be unhappy. For further details, review the early pages of the thread.
The pricing and offering of lower bowl seats has me putting this Chicago FF at about a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. Bonuses so far are a cheap flight out there and a cool city...
Re-Evaluate once you've watched 3 games from Club Level. Maybe you'll still land at 3 of 10. But I'm guessing your rating will rise.
One more thought, addressed to the FF fan base as a whole: For many years, we've all held to a dogmatic belief that anything in the Lower Bowl is good, and everything in the Upper Bowl is bad. Truth be told, it is more complicated than that. Some of the Lower Bowl/Behind the Net locations miss a lot of the action at the far end. Some of the Upper Bowl seats quite honestly are a better vantage point. Particularly the first few rows. Remember that Pittsburgh yanked the first couple of rows of the Upper Level/Sides from the Public Allotment. At least Chicago, like Philly, left that option in the mix.