Re: 2012 Elections: Corndogs for everyone!
Please.. continue.
I should think someone as expert on everything as you suggest you are would know that non-citizens can serve in our military. Therefore, birth certificates, long or short form, would be of no value in determining who had served. In fact, birth certificates are useless in making that determination for anyone, regardless of where they were born. However, a DD214 would. Assuming the two birds in the video clip served, that's two. There was a group called VVAW (vietnam verterans against the war) that held hearings to "prove" that the United States engaged in widespread war crimes in Vietnam. Trouble was, most of the "GI's" who provided that testimony either didn't serve in Vietnam or didn't serve at all.
Anybody can buy a hat or a fatigue jacket and call himself a veteran. Probably most of those claiming that status in Boston are. But it's also common knowledge there's a whole underclass of losers who call themselves veterans and want the status that affords. Why even the publisher of the Arizona Republic (Duke Tully) was revealed as a liar by the clock, having constructed a military "history" as a fighter pilot. He even posed for pictures in uniform. Not one word of it was true. And he was a millionaire.
Ask anyone who served and they will almost certainly have an annecdote about some PFC who stopped by the PX on his way home for his first leave and stocked up on various insignia and ribbons to augment his uniform and impress his home town honey and parents.
So stop insisting you know anything about a subject of which you are so painfully, obviously ignorant.
Please.. continue.