According to the principal organizer of the Values Voters Summit, the group’s own straw poll should not be taken seriously.
Following a victory by Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, told CNN on Monday morning that the win was merely an “outlier,” suggesting the group’s poll was actually “irrelevant.”
It's a fair cop.Subscribed because Kepler just can't get enough of Bachmann deepthroating corndogs.
The next big state fair item in MN supposedly will be abortions on a stick.I thought everyone got miniature American flags as well as corndogs.
Go with late term. Better value (though somewhat less tender).The next big state fair item in MN supposedly will be abortions on a stick.
Go with late term. Better value (though somewhat less tender).
Never heard of this derp before. Is he one of the usual suspects?BTW Fischer actually likes that his soundbites get put up on Right wing watch.
He is the big talking head for the American Family Association who helped sponsor Rick Perry's prayer rally for rain. (Humorously enough when all the godless sodomites showed up for some get together it started to rain) Right Wing Watch's youtube has an extensive collection of his mega-derp. He had a ~half hour speech at that recent conservative circle jerk. He actually thinks it's great (they have the clip) because it's getting his message out. He is kind of like the fundie ****tard end level 18 different forms mega boss.Never heard of this derp before. Is he one of the usual suspects?
Forbes, WSJ, Business Insider, RedState, Drudge, Herman Cain, and FNC would all like to reassure you that while we have real problems, OWS is a terrible thing.
I hope he enjoys his 15 minutes. At the rate the GOP is moving by next year he'll be too liberal.He actually thinks it's great (they have the clip) because it's getting his message out. He is kind of like the fundie ****tard end level 18 different forms mega boss.
Yea! Where's their long form birth certificate too!I see where 100 self described "veterans" were popped in Boston early this morning. Not that anyone would lie about their service (see: Winter Soldier hearings) but I'd like to see some DD214's if you don't mind.
He won't be. Him and Pat Robertson are in constant battle on who can be farther right.I hope he enjoys his 15 minutes. At the rate the GOP is moving by next year he'll be too liberal.
Yea! Where's their long form birth certificate too!
<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/0aaTGsGdp4c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
He won't be. Him and Pat Robertson are in constant battle on who can be farther right.