Haha. It's okay f2b&g. Not like there isn't anything else that gets reposted frequently here.
From what I've read on Puck Daddy the last few days, and with the past behavior of the Blackhawks fans, they seem to be trying to get the Hockey Gods mad:
- The Blackhawks and Flyers both have Stanley Cup Champion gear available for purchase (shop.com lists the items)
- Mayor Daley and the City of Chicago already have a parade route planned out. The parade will be Friday when they win tonight. Monday is the alternate date picked if they don't win tonight and are sure to win it Friday.
- The Chicago Trib posted the Chrissy Pronger insert in the paper.
- WGNtv did a segment where they had a well dressed gentleman wear white gloves and drag an empty Rubbermaid container around town bragging that it was the Stanley Cup, and he "didn't make the flight to Philly since the Cup is just going to stay here in Chicago for the summer anyway."
- And going back a few weeks, the one factory painted the Toews with the Cup mural.