Cornell Big Red
NOT FoR MEN!!!!!
You win the overnight.
NOT FoR MEN!!!!!
And when they end elections? Could be as soon as 2024.
Good morning! Has anyone heard whether or not @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy or Steve Scalise talked with Officer Mike Fanone or watched his interview yet? If you’re gonna throw out the truth and defend the insurrectionist former president, maybe talk to all the witnesses?
Kevin McCarthy, in writing to his colleagues and urging them to remove Liz Cheney as conference chair, claims that Republicans "are a big tent party" and that "unlike the left, we embrace free thought and debate." He is not being ironic.
See if you can spot the logical flaw in what McCarthy is saying:
Kinzinger seems to be itching for battle!
I don't understand how anybody of principle could be a Republican. Is this just his Hail Mary to get to the top if/when Dump explodes catastrophically? I am loathe to imagine anyone with even a smidgen of dignity or respect for the truth associating himself with this scum, Members or voters.
Going with the general concept of "all congress critters are climbing, slimy liars who'd gnaw off their own arm for a little more power", I cant help but feeling that Kingzinger and Cheney, despite being on the right side, are simply positioning themselves for more power and authority if and when Trump finally crashes.
Being one of the few voices of dissent on a subject within your party will get you more attention over time than going independent or switching parties.
Especially because Dump shows no sign of crashing and burning. I mean, really. All that talk about him being prosecuted in New York...apparently never going to happen.
Kinzinger is 43 and is probably hoping to play the long game in which Dumpism crashes and burns within the next decade and he can work the "maverick" angle to be the fresh face of a new, reformed GOP. Looking at the tides right now though, I think that's a fool's gambit.