Hug someone you care about...
Daily beast says records show Gaetz sending Greenburg $900 over Venmo late one night. The next day, Greenburg sent three young women money also through Venmo, which totaled ...................................$900.
One of those young women is now a porn star.
At the rate this is going I figure we are 2 weeks away from there being video. There is no way there isnt some SnapChat of them all getting high and talking about what they are doing. Gaetz is just dumb/arrogant enough to let that happen figuring no one will ever find out or he will be safe. The fact he was showing nude photos on the House floor backs that up...
There is a natural progression to these things...if there is no there there nothing really piles on it just kind of fizzles out. But when there is something to it (and you openly attack your attackers) then you see the floodgates (pun somewhat intended) open. Ask Deshaun Watson...
He should have never tried to use Tucker as an alibi...that killed any chance Faux would go whole hog into defending him. Newsmax will bail him out but they don't have the cache to really save him. He is another few bad news cycles away from needing a Patreon Podcast for a landing spot.
He literally fucked around and is now finding out ;^)
edit: Here is the article rufus mentioned https://twitter.com/MEPFuller/status...05188137754624
The girl they "hit up" turned 18 6 months before...she is the one doing porn now.
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