Re: World Soccer XII: South Africa Awaits
I saw that Sochaux wrote a letter to Bob Bradley to ask Charlie Davies not to play. I think it's selfish on the club's part. Davies worked his tail off to get back for the cup, but the club basically cut him off at the knees. I know Sochaux is trying to protect their investment, but let him at least get asked to camp. Bradley doesn't have to select him, but don't kill his dream.
There have been a few discussions on here about the club v. national issue regarding injury, insurance etc. It is a tough one to make black and white.
If the letter was unsolicited (I'd really like to see the actual letter to understand the context) then I feel one way, if Bradley asked for an update then I don't think he should have referrenced it when informing Davies.
If Sochaux thought that Davies was truly not ready at this time and trying to rapidly get to WC form would jeopardize his recovery then I guess they were within their rights to protect their investment.
If Bradley thought Davies was worthy and the only reason to keep him off was that letter, then why didn't Bradley overrule it? Seems like he failed a basic leadership test...he is in charge, if Davies is not to be on the team it is Bradley's decision, dont' blame it on some other guy.
If he wanted to
know the condition of Davies, he could have performed several other methods of verification...if the letter said Charlie was in great form would Bradley have automatically put him on the roster?
So, in my opinion, sochaux is suspected but not guilty until the letter and the cause for its existence is better known...Bradley is wrong to pass the buck or to depend solely on a letter from a club that can't be counted on to have the USMNT interest at heart and Davies isn't helping his cause...he screwed up, he shouldn't blame anybody but himself for being in this situation...if it was his dream now then it should have been his dream the night he got into that car.