Dude! You've got to relax, nobody's trying to to troll you.
You get way too serious over a little harmless ribbing.
HockeyBuckeye on May 29th:
"If you look there is a definite pattern with Sierra's postings. I see he (or she) only reacts to what they consider troll like posting on OUR thread. I perceive the message being sent is if you're not an Ohio State fan and post on our thread it's up to you to be polite & civil otherwise expect to get sand kicked in your face. If you don't like what we post, just reply in a civil manner or just walk away and stay in your side of the playground. You should take note that when we post on your thread the conduct typically is much more respectful than some who post on ours.
That's what I see as Sierra's attitude."
osualum86 on May 28:
"LOL, I think the WI and MN posters spend more time over here trolling us than they actually do on their own threads. I can honestly say that I have no desire to go on other teams' threads and troll them. I'd rather stay here and talk about our amazing coach and our 2024 National Champions!!! But that's just me."
Sierra on May 28:
"Wow... you have issues. You WI posters are talking about OSU assistant coaches on the OSU thread. Classy ... weird."
HockeyBuckeye on April 23rd:
"You clowns just can't accept reality so you go full troll mode on our thread posting such crap to only prove how out of touch you are. How can you not see some of our posters know things about our program a Badgers fan could never know. I hadn't rubbed our Championship win in your faces but if your behavior persists I'll just keep reminding you how on top of Wisconsin we really are and will stay that way!"
HockeyBuckeye on Aprol 10th:
"Apparently you need educated on what a troll is. It's when someone gets on another teams thread being rude or obnoxious or making trash comments towards another's program on any thread."
Sierra on Sept 8, 2023:
"This is a tOSU thread... so when u and the trolls come thru our thread tOSU will slap your unintelligent statements down."