solovsfett said:that would be awesome if someone from this board could go to the event and bend his ear a bit.
Hockey is my favorite sport (by just a hair over open wheel racing, and miles above football) but I honestly feel no anticipation for the coming season either for Wisconsin, nor for the NHL at the moment (the Blackhawks are my team and I'm bummed about Kane being such a scumbag). And normally I'm curious about the frosh and to see what strides the sophs and juniors have taken but now?
I honestly can't see myself tuning into more than 2-3 games this season. That's how far and how quickly my interest level has dropped.
I feel the same way right now, but I know that whenever that first Friday night rolls around, I'll be looking everywhere for a stream to check out the team. I've just been a hockey fan for too long to abandon them completely. Thankfully, games are harder to find while in Atlanta, so I won't look all that hard for them.
BTW: Thread title was a on a whim, happy to change it to whatever someone would want.
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