Re: Wisconsin Hockey, Vol II: Rebuild, Refresh, and Renew!
Jurusik was fantastic tonight and Berry was solid last night. I think I am no longer worried out the goaltending.
Why in bloody heck to the D pull the puck deeper into the D zone and then allow themselves to get swarmed and cough up the puck? It happened last night all the time and today a lot in the 1st period. There were times during the last 2 games where I was questioning Oz. It was almost like it was a conscious plan to pull the puck back to spread the rodents, but then they could never get the puck out of the zone clean. Or are they just that terrible? Very curious play indeed.
Besse seemed to be in the dog-house tonight, he got dropped from the first line mid-game and served the bench penalty and Jurusik's penalty (was that really a penalty?).
Soleway needs to play on that 4th line all the time, they/he was very good tonight and they were good with Freytag last night as well. Putting them out on the pp was pure genius in the 2nd period. They earned it and they cashed in.
It's probably unbelievable, but yesterday was my first rodent/uw game I have attended. Very blessed to have got 2 free tickets for yesterday and today. I left very bitter yesterday and jubilant today. Went to the women's UW/Sue tilt earlier today, what a great double header. Also enjoyed State Street with all the fabulous protesters. It's a free country....On Wisconsin.