Re: WISCONSIN Hockey Vol. 22 - Let's not have another cheesy thread title... Wait, W
I have an interesting story on the illegal stick incident. The metal stick gauge had been provided by the North Dakota bench, and it did indeed show the stick was illegal. After the game, the ref apparently found out that the gauge itself had been ground down. Whether that was with the intent of fooling someone about the legality of the stick, or to make NoDak's sticks sort of super-legal, nobody knows. I'm drawing a complete blank on the ref's name, but it was an Italian name and he was a well known ref in the WCHA. At any rate, he was also on the NCAA selection committee, and this was back in the days of the smoke filled room. Although many people believed that North Dakota should be selected over Wisconsin, he was adamant that they would not get in after the attempted deception with the stick gauge. And they didn't. I got this story from my next door neighbor who was very thick with all the honchos in the UW athletic department back in the day. Might just be BS, but I certainly believed it at the time, and I guess I still do.
Edit: Was the ref's name Martinello?
That makes for an interesting story, but I don't think it's true, at least as you've reported it.
There is no doubt that UND fans felt they were jobbed by the selection committee. But it wasn't at the hands of, or for the benefit of, Wisconsin. It was Duluth.
Minnesota won the regular season title, with UND 2nd, Wisco 3rd and UMD 4th. Minnesota beat UMD in the two games, total goals series while Wisconsin beat UND as we've described today.
Wisconsin then went on to win the playoff title over Minnesota. Thus, there was little doubt that both Minnesota and Wisconsin would get in. The real question was the 3rd team. There was even some discussion whether all 4 should get in, but that would never happen at the expense of the CCHA.
Although I wasn't in the room, I think the general consensus has always been, and was reported, that a couple of factors weighed in UMD's favor. First they had a 4-2 edge in the season series over UND. Second, the "smoke filled room" back then used the "15 game rule." They always looked at the teams last 15 games to see how they were playing at the time the selection was made, to try to balance early season inexperience, injuries, etc...
UND staggered into tournament time. As I recall, they maybe played .500 hockey from the middle of January on.
As entertaining as it is to conclude there was personal spite and paybacks involved, I suspect the head to head results and UND's very average play as the season ended were the real reasons we sat home that late March and early April.