20 Years and Counting
The Badgers have fallen out of the national rankings....*crickets*.
The Badgers have fallen out of the national rankings....*crickets*.
Who knows. Last year St. Louis was like in last place or something (don't follow the NHL that closely), then got on a BIG run and it was on for them.
Apparently over on the gal's side Hanzlick is transferring to RMU effective end of the semester. Thanks for keeping track of all these things for us.
We can hope.
But look at the trend: 1-5-1 in last 7, 4-9-1 since 10/21. This against teams they should be beating or at least competitive with.
TG needs to get some sort of complete re-set over the break. Obviously whatever the coaches are doing is not working. More of the same will not accomplish anything.
TG, more of the same please
Can’t find the pedophile state thread?
No I'm in the right place. Have you realized what an awful human being you are yet? Rooting for a terrible hockey team is the least of your problems, believe me!
TG needs to get some sort of complete re-set over the break. Obviously whatever the coaches are doing is not working. More of the same will not accomplish anything.
And changing the line combos for the 6th time wont be the answer. Theres a deeper cultural problem with this program. And the fact that the coaches sound surprised and keep blaming it on the inexperience shows me they don't see what the problem is or know how to fix it. Hope I'm wrong but this is 4 years now of the same stuff so I expect the same the second half of the season.
TG needs to go on the warpath or something. Pull a Herb Brooks and get everyone to hate him and love each other. Something.
Edit: None of that is going to happen. TG is gonna do the same stuff and that's gonna be that. Hes had 4 years. If he was gonna change something like that he would of done it. Hate to say it but we should go after Rohlik. Doing more with much less. We take away his recruits (Dhoogies and Caufields) and he keeps doing better than us. Says alot right there.
Jim Montgomery just became available (tongue in cheek).
Yes and he did well at Dubuque USHL team. Knows how to deal with this younger generation. Of course it's completely unknown what he did to get fired.....I think I'm done with xNHL coaches, though he did coach ok at DU, right?
I agree on all fronts with this.
Complete Fantasy Island thoughts: I also think Rohlik is the guy or DG, though I'm not opposed to someone outside the program like the dude at Kato.
I just can't bring myself to believe Oz has lost it. He was way more experience with college/USHL aged players than TG does, he should be able to get through to the players. Part of me thinks can TG now, make Oz the interim HC and let him try and clean up the mess in the 2nd half. If he succeeds, make him the HC and that would probably keep the recruits on board. If the recruits bail, UW is screwed because everyone who is any good is already committed for the next 3 yrs min. That being said it's probably in everyone's best interest that they have a great second half and all this consternation was for nothing. But it is hard to see much light at the end of the tunnel.
Mark Johnson is the obvious answer. Keep Oz. Bye to Strobel and Granato.
Mark Johnson is the obvious answer. Keep Oz. Bye to Strobel and Granato.
Why would we bring Don back? No, he bailed once; **** him. Hell no. If one gets fired, they all should.
I remember bangin' the drum for Enrico Blasi 5-6 years ago. Got whacked after 20 years at Miami, now an assistant at Denver U. Not a bad gig.
I agree with Rohlik, but I think he's very happy at tO$U. In addition, former Badger players haven't fared well here for quite a while.
Just a thought, I wonder how Mark Johnson would be doing to date if he was hired instead of Eaves?