20 Years and Counting
Re: Wisconsin Hockey - 2018 Off-Season - Hope or Despair?
**** Seattle. They'll just come up with some stupid 7th Man flag.
In my opinion Quebec City should have received the next franchise.
Did I mention **** Seattle?
I believe Seattle would start in 2020, it is not official but it is pretty close to being set. Seattle has applied and they have a group of people who are willing to pay $650 million for a team. \
I didn't mean that the expansion rules would be worse for Seattle, if anything they may be better. I was getting at, the GM's of the other teams are going to be much more reluctant to make such nice offers for Seattle to take one player over another.
Seattle starting in 2020, is going to make the NHL avoid locking out. Without this expansion team starting in 2020, I would have said the likely hood of a lock out would have been quite high.
I enjoyed the expansion process for Vegas and look forward to it again in 2020.
It does help that Fleury is playing out of his mind. Game 4 is a must win for Winnipeg, I don't see a team beating Vegas 3 games in a row the way Fleury is playing.
**** Seattle. They'll just come up with some stupid 7th Man flag.

In my opinion Quebec City should have received the next franchise.
Did I mention **** Seattle?