One other thing to mention, which is sure to set off enough conversation to keep us occupied for a few weeks...
UW is currently 2nd in the nation in average attendance per USCHO numbers.
9,222 per game
Yes, this is much lower than it could be and is only 60% of the capacity. Yes, we used to lead this number by a mile
Only NoDak is higher than us at the moment. But what else is there to do in ND in the winter?!?
Wisconsin is averaging more tickets sold per game than all but 4 teams could have in a sold out arena. We have more fans at a single game than 11 teams have had so far this year!
There are problems. Attendance is down and is trending down over the past 5-10 years. Ticket prices are too high. Concession prices are too high. Parking prices are too high. They play too much canned music. They don't do enough to get students to the game and engage with them. They don't have enough little kids skating during intermissions. The police don't coordinate traffic on Dayton St after games well enough. Some games are on TV. They don't sell beer to the commoners.
But look at the numbers compared to what other schools are putting up, especially some of the "UW should be like these guys" schools
BU is getting under 4k per game in a rink that seats over 6k
BC is getting under 4k per game in a rink that seats almost 8k
Denver is doing OK with just over 5k per game in a 6k rink
I'm sure some will say "that's all fine, but it isn't what we could be! We should be selling out the Kohl every night like when we were in the WCHA!" and I get it, that would be great. But even the other schools that were doing well back in the day are struggling. I don't know that anyone has found the magic answer to getting everyone in the seats.
The couple of schools doing really well:
Penn State - Still riding the energy of a new program in a smaller rink
Quinnipiac - Riding the wave of recent good teams, but in a rink that seats 3.1K
NoDak - nothing else to do...and a team that usually performs well
Michigan - lots of history, in a small rink
UMD - lots of energy around recent performance and a newer rink which is appropriately sized
Minnesota - getting good numbers, but even they are having troubles in the "State of Hockey"