Re: WCHA 2020-21: We Can Do Better than Two Bids and Eight Teams Exiting
With rumors still circulating from CHN about more schools closing up shop, my ******* could cut a diamond in half as a Laker fan.
And sorry to hear about the program, Geof. I always enjoyed watching the Chargers come to town, even if they were a bit scrappy the last few years, and ya'll produced one of my favorite non-Laker players. If this is your final sendoff, then thank you for all you've done here on the forums (and off) over the years. Your posts have been some of the most insightful - period.
It was time. I will not be participating in any of the "bring it back" groups. I do not have the time or energy to expend that I did in 2011.
I know that a lot of people — a lot of people — are really upset here. I'm only upset for the young men who agreed to make the trek to Alabama to play hockey and go to school and our coaches.
You can chuck all the spears that you want at the school. I get it. But at the end of the day, we as a fan base did not show enough interest in giving and attendance to the games. I point a finger at myself: I haven't given to the school in five years, and because of extensive weekend work commitments, I haven't been at a game in two full seasons. That may be why I'm not as upset about this as many folks are.
The school may have heard from the nCCHA schools that they weren't going to get in. "But Atlan—" UAH WAS NEVER GETTING INTO ATLANTIC HOCKEY. Ever. Ever. It was nCCHA or bust. Even though we can all chuck spears at LSSU and FSU —*and the other five schools need to think long and hard about expansion on almost any corner, because those two small, public schools could be reamed by pandemic stuff just like UAH was — the money just wasn't there.
Blame EJ Brophy. Blame Bob Altenkirch retiring (he would have canceled the program in this space). Blame Mack Portera. Blame the boosters for running Doug Ross off. Blame the VBC and the Havoc and whoever.
Downtown got better. UAH Hockey got way worse.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
GFM <— signing off for a while, perhaps forever.
With rumors still circulating from CHN about more schools closing up shop, my ******* could cut a diamond in half as a Laker fan.
And sorry to hear about the program, Geof. I always enjoyed watching the Chargers come to town, even if they were a bit scrappy the last few years, and ya'll produced one of my favorite non-Laker players. If this is your final sendoff, then thank you for all you've done here on the forums (and off) over the years. Your posts have been some of the most insightful - period.