Oh sure thing...
I use Alexa as my primary tool for tracking my sites rank. Alexa is the most popular web ranking company out there and has been around since 1996. I only know of two other sites similar to stouthockey.com. One of course being cardinalhockey.net and jackethockey.com for UW-Superior. Let's have a peak at some numbers.
Alexa Data
Cardinalhockey.net - Rank #24,752,857
Jackethockey.com - Rank #No Data (No data often suggests very limited traffic)
Stouthockey.com - Rank #2,265,785 (297,270 in U.S.)
Now you may cry foul because Jackethockey.com is a little inconclusive, though as mentioned no data is often a sign of very low traffic/popularity. Jackethockey.com is crawled by an analytical service known as Compete. Here are there numbers on Jackethockey.com
jackethockey.com - Unique visitors in November of 2009 -
I have looked at any and all analytical data I could find on all three sites before staking such a claim here on USCHO. There is nothing to hide in the traffic of my site, and your free to look at Google Analytic data from November of 2009. No cheesy PageCounter stats here....
Nov. 09 Traffic Data (Stouthockey.com)
Any piece of data I could find on any other site doesn't come close to the analytic data I'm seeing for Stouthockey.com ----
It's safe to say


DIII hockey's most popular fan site