(TOTALLY unrelated to hockey, so feel free to skip over; I thought Tim might be interested.)
When I moved to Los Angeles in the spring of 1983, I spent the first year or so living with a friend from high school in the back house on a two house lot in Redondo Beach. In the front house was a woman and her young daughter. The woman worked various jobs to make ends meet - waitress, etc, even as a stripper in a local club. (No, it wasn't a particularly 'bad' neighborhood.) And on occasion, she would have people over for parties, etc., sometimes late into the night and sometimes LOUD into the night, which was mildly annoying if we in the back house had to work in the morning. Loud because some of them were in a band that played in local South Bay clubs. I'm 'burying' the obvious lead; the band was Dokken. At that point they were somewhat known locally, but not yet known nationally? I was and am not at all a 'hair band' fan, so the name meant nothing to me at the time. IIRC, sometimes one or more of the band members were there baby-sitting the daughter. No idea who was who, don't remember the woman's name, and I just looked on Google street view and as best I can tell, the houses aren't there anymore. (Huntington Lane, a couple houses east of Flagler St, north side of street.)
You live in southern CA for any length of time, you have 'everyday' encounters with people of some level of fame or another. I have dozens of such exciting stories.