Union is the moth flirting with the flame. What a miserable performance, save for the third period before they surrendered the winning goal. The last minute gift of a Brown penalty never bore fruit with the extra men. The pairwise ranking is slowly slipping away from serious consideration at season's end. The team is redefining mercurial. There is still time for redemption but one has to wonder.
I think they’ve significantly underachieved this year. They have 9 seniors including Vidmar, Supinksi, Walker, Kupsky, and Campbell...none of which seem to be grabbing this leadership thing by the horns. Goaltending has been as inconsistent as everyone else’s efforts. Bennett even admitted that he didn’t prepare them for the RPI series in October - a team, like Brown, that they are clearly more talented than. These results fall on coaching and on-ice leadership.
Maybe they can make a Princeton-style run, but that would require consistency starting now.