Any word on early departures? Probably would have heard by now. What does next years class look like?
Next year the ECAC will be much stronger. I would expect a much better showing in non-conference play. Is there a weak ECAC team that will be rebuilding next year? Brown? Are we losing any goaltenders? A coaching shakeup is too difficult to contemplate. BU is the only one of the 7 eastern teams (HE, ECAC, AHA) still standing. If BU loses there will be no "Eastern Teams" in the F4. This was easily predicted at the early in the season. How does our incoming class look for next year?
Not sure the ECAC will be much stronger next year - quite a few early departures across just about every team
including some of those big body goalies. How they do non conference depends on who they decide to schedule..
If they are going to attempt a full on run I suspect they will front load the schedule yet again with Serious competition...
Bennett is reportedly deep in the mix at BU:
He's staying.
With Stephen Ainlay stepping down as Union College President, a huge supporter of the hockey team, the program took a terrible body blow. A piece of the extremely supportive hockey ecosystem was gone. I cannot image David R. Harris filling that void. As bad as that was, losing Bennett would be another body blow and I don't thing the program will any longer be top tier. I would not blame Bennett for leaving. Ainlay always had his back. The program has no sustainable competitive advantage.