Registered User
Re: Union at St. Cloud (10/16, 10/17) - Never Won vs. Never Been
I am surprised you found time to this much research between your rounds of golf and young republicans meetings
Congrats on being the biggest D-Bag I have ever met online, and yes that's an accomplishmentRed Cloud-
Since you opted to sink to the point of insulting my personal intellect, let’s turn the spotlight on yours, and the mediocre student body at St. Cloud which we at Union candidly refer to as “Our future employees.” Let me first start off by noting your academic selectivity rating, which, according to the Princeton Review, is hovering at 64/100. It doesn’t require a math major to realize that a 64, sir, is a “D.” Compare this, now, to our academic rating of “95.” I need not say more regarding this statistic. To further emphasize our school’s elite status, look no further than Forbes’ list of the top 600 colleges/universities in the nation. Forbes now ranks Union as the #26 school in the nation; a far cry, if you ask me, from your borderline community college which just makes the list at #599. St. Cloud State also accepts 78% of all applicants, meaning that unless you are a monkey, you will almost definitely be accepted. One more word of advice along these lines: According to Business Week, our graduates rank #11 in the country for graduate earnings, so unlike you, we neither need to save our breath nor our money.
With regards to your attack on the ECAC, let’s not forget that this past year, three of the top 10 teams in the country came from our division. Since I have little confidence in your intellectual competence, I will point out that 3 out of 10 equals 30%. Although Union was not included in this group, we were one bad period away from defeating Princeton (in the playoffs), one of the three teams that made the national tournament. Before you start bashing hockey divisions, and choosing to attend your own subordinate school, for that matter, I suggest you do more research on the caliber of both.
While I remain on the topic of your school, I’d like to inquire: Is there any purpose or significance to St. Cloud, Minnesota? Aside from that amazing hydroelectric dam, which can produce a whopping 9 megawatts of electricity, does your city, or your “flyover” Midwestern state in general contribute anything besides arctic wind currents to the rest of the country? That being said, why don’t you and your blue collar, public school idiots come down here to civilization and back up your **** with substance.
I am surprised you found time to this much research between your rounds of golf and young republicans meetings
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