We are not playing the victim. We are asking why Blue skies/New AD and the administration, if they dont do anything after this year, wants to victimize us with hockey mediocrity. We DEMAND these powers hold the coach accountable for the middling results.
Back in the 90's when Audi (UNH) was battling Mercedes (BC) and BMW (BU), their CEO said that it costs the same amount of money to design an ugly car as it does a beautiful one. UNH is paying 2 assistant coaches for not only their hockey knowledge, but also their SALES KNOWLEDGE. They are ones who get on the road to get recruits excited and build the base. Then the head coach comes in to seal the deal. Coady, McCloskey, Norton, they were the ones getting out to track down the recruits and get them pumped up about Durham. The MS7 teams have been crafting old, stodgy Audi Foxes and 100's. Time to find a coaching/sales team to start designing stunning TT's and RS7's on the same budget.
Hi Whalers
I don't disagree with anything in your post. In fact I wish you would chime in more often as I am usually thinking along the same lines.
I was agreeing with and responding to Chuck's post. I too am sick and tired of every opponent on the schedule being the reincarnation of the 1970 Cornell Big Red or the 1993 Maine Black Bears. Back in the era of the Big Four it was called sandbagging. Not sure whether today's version is ball washing or just plain whining.
If its the latter it sure fits the pattern....facsiwities, admissions office, administration/funding....the list goes on. A couple decades the whining was about having to go ALL THE WAY TO MANCHESTER for the occasional game. Now the complaint is the program doesn't have enough of a footprint in the state.
The flavor of the month complaint for February is the bye week. Guess what, every team has one. Just deal with it. Its pretty much unavoidable, you didn't want Notre Dame in the league so now there are only 11 teams. Careful what you wish for. Adversity is part of the deal, there are a number of teams that have lost players to the Olympics you don't see them whining. Well, excluding Michigan.