We should all broaden our view points by reading other (verified) news sources. Facebook is not a verified news source. Twitter is not a verified news source. If you watch Fox (I don't), check out CNN, MSNBC. If you watch CNN, MSNBC (I don't), check out Fox. On occasion I switch between Fox and CNN to amuse myself and to feel like I am traveling to different countries without leaving my living room. Seek out verified news sources with broad worldwide coverage.
You know, I agree with most of what you've posted, Darius. I will point out, however, that for folks with beliefs on my side of the spectrum, there is no need to be urged to check out the "other side". We are surrounded by the "other side" and most of the time, you listen to one, and you've heard them all. Here in NH, WMUR is there for my weather and sports, but I end up getting hit by ABC narratives from NYC and DC in between. So folks of my ilk are already constantly acutely aware of what the "other side" is saying. And when it makes sense, and when there is agreement, I don't have an issue with it.
Where the disconnect truly is, lies with those on the other side of the equation, who get their "news" from MSM or marginal opinion (not news, as you've pointed out) sites, like FB and Twitter. Unlike you, who at least checks in periodically to hear what the other side of the story might be, many folks out there are blissfully unaware there is even another side. On top of that, MSM and the social media propaganda stalwarts routinely stigmatize those who'd even venture to seek out the "other side".
The MSM earned their current level of distrust by going along with the stupidity of the Trump-Russia BS, and cemented it by going into the tank for Mister Magoo during the '20 primary season and harmful disclosures of his ties to Red China, through what has since been confirmed to have been actual verified evidence through his crackhead son's laptop.
Going along with the Magoo Admin's narrative that "non-vaxxers are bad" - while allowing Red China to skate for causing the problem in the first place - only adds to the distrust.
And while we're talking about distrust of the vaccines (and for the umpteenth time, I'm vaxxed, but will not be boosted, not once, not a dozen times), as I pointed out to "I'm above the politics" EJ earlier ... remember when Mister Magoo and Giggles McPlatypus both said they wouldn't trust any vaccines coming from their predecessor, when they were campaigning from Magoo's basement lair?? Despite the endless waves of propaganda, A LOT of people remember that. So Magoo owns that, yet his pals in MSM never seem to call him out on that. Hmmm, wonder why???
As cartoon character Pogo said, which Magoo should adopt ... "We've met the enemy, and he is us".