So haven’t posted in a while, but have been watching all season. Have to say not very encouraged in what I have seen this year, or the last couple of years. Have been more then willing to give Souza a chance to see what we can do. Think we have seen enough to know that some sort of change needs to happen, maybe at the top or at the assistant level. I know there is a lot of people on here who like to bring up Umile, some justified criticism and some not so justified. But there always seems to a player or two every year who made that big jump in their play. I do not think we have seen that the last couple of years. I struggle to watch this team and figure out their identity is. We know they are not an offensive juggernaut, not even close. In years past always had the one player who would be the identity of the team, I do not see that this year. Watching last Friday’s game will give credit that the first period they looked good, but did not adapt when Northeastern started to play more aggressive and go more towards the net. Can’t remember the last time I have been in game changes that were positive. Seems that the same lines keep rolling out all game, and no change on special teams. I am no Scotty Bowman but can figure out if its not working might be time to change things up. When you are 57 out of 59 teams on offensive and 51[SUP]st[/SUP] in Power Play it might be time to change your lines up and your strategy. Watching the games over the weekend was like watching a modern day NBA game, shot for the outside and put no pressure on by the net. You have a few big bodies that should be down low screening and clearing the way to crash the next, but yet still going with the same failed strategy. Every time I hear an interview with Souza I do not get the sense of urgency and that somehow things will magically get better. There are many little things I notices during the games that back that up for me. When ever there is a time out I look and see the other team around a whiteboard talking strategy, and look at the UNH bench and rarely ever see that. Do not see any fire to get the team going or even argue with the Ref to show the team he has their back. Have also notice how the team is always sitting on the bench while the other team is usually on their feet cheering on their team and getting into the game, while the UNH bench looks like a morgue. Do I know what all the answers are, of course not. I do know from watching the last couple of decades and a lifetime of watching hockey at all levels that what is going on now is just now working. Can see if on the ice and now reflecting in the stands with the dwindling attendance and lack of passion from the fans. I will keep going to games, at least thru this year since I have already paid for my tickets, and hope things turn around but the optimism I usually have has gone away and not its just wishful thinking. Sadly I do not expect to see any changes as the AD’s office has shown their lack of commitment to the team and to the fans. Here is to hopefully being wrong and there is a good run coming up.