Darius, another way of looking at it is … it's really a microcosm of what's going on in the outside world.
Some folks are just more comfortable than others in entrusting the things they care about with a permanent admin structure, and others prefer a little more freedom to do what (and how) they please.
As far as I know, there is no official recognition of anyone on the FOH for their half-century's worth of good deeds around the UNH Hockey program. Stuff they did made a HUGE difference for the program, and their actions never cast any shadows over the integrity of the program, never created any damage to the reputation of the program or the school. Unlike the actions of at least one assistant coach of recent vintage … which just so happened under the laser-focused "oversight" of the current AD.
Just sayin'.
Not that the folks at FOH ever wanted public recognition for its good deeds. But … you can bet the self-esteemed AD's name will be attached to the football stadium in some capacity ("McDonnell Field at Infinity Stadium" perhaps?

) the second he retires … or at least when he officially retires, since he's been on hard-core cruise control since at least 2015 (and arguably much sooner).
My sincere and personal thanks to all who ran FOH with such class and good intentions over the years.
History will look back kindly and smile on the selfless nature of your efforts. Kudos.