Inattention is the word for me. First by Umile. When McCloskey was assistant, and Lassonde too, Umile had guys who knew how to use UNH's advantages to recruit. Then McCloskey went to the women's side and we got Borek. With him it was a slow, drip, drip, drip erosion of talent coming in. I always thought Borek was lazy, in that the longer he was the recruiter the less aggressive he was in going after the reach kid. And then the times he seemed to land one, LaLeggia for example, he'd make the judgement that deferring was the best option. No doubt Umile is,ultimately responsible for these failures but my take always was that Umile was detached from recruiting. More than once I can recall remarks he would make about a freshman's skills, seemingly surprised about what a kid could do. You could argue that he should have been more engaged, but his m.o. worked in an earlier era so why not now. Of course, if Marty was tuned in, he would have questioned the deteriroration earlier. But Marty is what an old friend of mine used to call a "face man." Just no there there.
Dan, I share your optimism that UNH can again compete. Unlike some. I'm willing to give Souza the benefit of the doubt. He's been around the block. College star, professional here and abroad, exposed to various recruiting philosophies. He's in his late thirties. About time to find out if he can develop a program.