Re: UNH Wildcats 2017 Off-season: The Clash Question
Fun with Souza, Dick & Stu - Offseason Edition - Part III
Three men drive to the third tee
One man walks behind
Buck gets to the tee, and has to leave
Duty calls, far away
"Bye Buck!" "Bye Buck!"
"Bye guys! Break a leg!"
Stu asks for a beer
"We don't have any beer, Stu"
"What is that then?"

"This is Tab, Stu"
"Dick likes Tab"
"What is *Tab*?"
"It's old and it's bad"
"Now I know why Dick likes Tab then"
Dick shoots Stu a harsh glare
Souza steps up to hit first again
The third hole is a
dogleg left
(Today's fun word, boys and girls, is
Dogleg is golf slang for a hole that starts going one way, and then turns the other way. You could say that Dick's UNH coaching career has turned into a
dogleg. Now, let's continue with the action on the course ... )
Souza looks from down the tee
There are men in the woods far away on the right
"Who are those men, Dick?"
"Looks like Fish and Game, Souza"
"Should I wait or should I hit?"
"Hit away, Souza. They are too far away. You are safe"
Souza hits straight but safe and short.
Good shot Souza!
Dick hits next
Dick's shot goes hard left
Dick's ball ends up under pine trees
There are stakes under the trees
Unlucky Dick

Stu is kind of fed up now
Stu is going to grip and rip
Stu rips his long and hard
Too long, through the dogleg
Stu yells "Fore!" but it is too late
Now Stu's ball hits a branch
The branch was on a tree on the right
The branch falls onto Fish
The ball hits off Game
Fish and Game are

Uh oh
Stu is in lots of trouble now
"Why did you do that, Stu? Dumb a$$"
Souza for once goes to help Stu
Stu is in deep do do
Dick goes alone to get his ball
Dick finds his ball
His ball is to the left of the stakes by a foot
His ball is also next to four black bears

"Hi Dick - guess who?"
Dick turns and Dick is

"That can't be you ... Shawn?"

"Good guess, Dick! Yes it is. And there is Grant!"
"But you are dead, and Grant is done"

"You are right, Dick - still sharp as a tack!"
"But why are you here? Why??"
"We are here to help the black bears"
"Shawn is right - Fish and Game are after them"
"Grant is the best at finding black bears"
"So here we are. Long time no see, Dick!"
"Tri City Dodge it was, right Shawn?"
"Yes. That was nice of you. I owe you one, Dick"
Shawn kicks Dick's ball three feet to the right of the stakes
No more penalty! Yay Shawn! Yay Grant!
"You can't do that, Shawn. That is wrong"
"No it isn't Dick. I just had a spasm. It is OK"
"You are nuts Shawn"
"No, I am dead, Dick. YOU are nuts, and now YOU cheat"
(What follows is what has become known as
locker room talk between Dick and his old pals. We have left that part out here so we do not offend any of you. WIS hates to be offensive. So on we go ... )
The four black bears leave with Shawn and Grant
Stu finds his ball
Fish and Game find Stu
Fish and Game are still

Stu is

"Why are you two guys here?"
"We are looking for four black bears"
"There are black bears here?"
"We think so"
"I have not seen any. Did you Souza?"
"No sir. Not yet, sir"
"Maybe you should check with Dick over there?"
The men gaze across the course
Dick is acting nuts
But no one else is there
"Crazy Dick!" "Ha ha Dick!"
"Dick being Dick!!"
"Maybe he saw a bad ref!!!"
Stu hits out of the trees
Stu hits a two iron under the trees
Stu's ball lands on the green
Lucky shot, Stu!!
Souza walks to his ball
His shot lands on the green too
Stu is closer this time
All four men go to see Dick
Dick is still

Dick is pale as a ghost
"What's up, Dick?"
"Your ball moved, Dick. Foot wedge?"

"Souza is right, Dick. You cheated."
locker room talk follows, and Dick tries to explain to Fish and Game what has just happened to him. Fish looks at Game, and Game looks back and

. They agree Dick is nuts. Souza and Stu agree Dick cheated. But Souza and Stu agree to graciously give their still-boss another
mulligan for the penalty stroke. Dick chips out from under the pine trees into the fairway and lands his third shot onto the green)
"Boss, you look like a mess"
"Throw me a <del>beer</del> Tab, Souza"
"We are worried about you, boss"
"Shut the eff up Stu, and let's putt this out"
Souza and Stu have never seen Dick quite like this
Dick rolls his long putt to twelve feet
"You can pick that up, Dick" they both chirp
Now Souza putts within an inch to the right
Good try, Souza! You can pick that up too
Stu putts last
Stu also misses by an inch
Dick tells Stu to pick up too
Stu is

but Stu is

On to the fourth tee
Who knows what comes next?
The score after three holes (Par 11) stands:
*Souza -1 Dick +1 Stu +2
Souza has the lead
Souza still has honors