Re: UNH Wildcats 2016-17 -- We're Going to Have a Hockey Season Here!!
As for the UNH General Fund, perhaps we'll consider in a year or two and start giving again. But given the financial woes UNH has had ever since I was a student (and probably before), it is beyond the pale that the school would use a million dollar unrestricted gift for a freakin' scoreboard. Technically within their rights but educationally? Indefensible.
"Beyond the pale" ... and "indefensible"?

And I thought I was the one who went overboard with the rhetoric.
So ... just for spits and giggles, playing devil's

advocate here ... if it's really SO off the grid to allocate a big donation to go to a new scoreboard when a university's primary mission is education ...
... where was the hue and cry of outrage and anguish about misplaced priorities two summers ago when Walt Borisenok decided to gift the school a very expensive new scoreboard at The Whitt?
Yes, Walt chose to earmark his gift for a scoreboard. Understood, I get it. But why wasn't HE lectured about how "beyond the pale" he was being for "indefensibly" not donating his money to a more educationally-focused purpose? Didn't he know the University System could have used his dough to create dozens of new safe spaces around campus for our gentle snowflake community?? Or did we stow our indignation *maybe* just because it went into our 20 yr. old arena with its '70's low tech boards???
The "football-mad" librarian knew he had $4MM to give away, earmarked less than 10% for the library, and chose - yes, chose - to leave the rest up to the powers that be at UNH. After all, it was his choice to do this. "When you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice" - right, 'Watcher?
I've conceded it was a curious, even questionable call, and it was made more clumsy by trying to create the misguided fairy tale/cover story about how the (undoubtedly) generous librarian had become a rabid football fan in his final days. If Walt Borisenok hadn't surfaced with his donation a year earlier ... who's to say the powers that be at UNH wouldn't have created that same fable about the (undoubtedly) generous librarian going native about hockey to support buying the long-awaited arena scoreboard(s) and other upgrades?
And would we still be using terms like "beyond the pale" or "indefensible"? With all due respect, I kinda doubt it.
Go 'Cats - Sweep UMaine.