Re: UNH Wildcats 2016-17 Vol II -- We Do Have a Hockey Season Here!?!
WIS Productions weighs in with its MBPBEGAM edition of "Umile's Last Stand - _____ for 600"
"Umile's Last Stand - The Quest for 600 Continues"
Coach Umile's current career wins total: 58
Wins Remaining to the next round number: 1
*Games Remaining (This Season & Next - Min.): 38
Win Pct. Required to Hit Target: 39.5%
WIS Estimated Likelihood of Success: 60%

2016/2017 Cupcake Conversion Ratio (CCR): 9/17 (53%)
* - minimum games remaining assumes 34 regular season games, and at least 2 games in the MBPBEGAM "playoffs"
Out of absolutely nowhere, with things looking incredibly glum after a pathetic 4-0 opening game loss in the MBPBEGAM round against hosts Merrimack, Coach Umile and the boys come up with back-to-back wins to advance to the HE Quarterfinals against Coach Bazin and the first seeded UML Riverhawks. I don't know where the heck it came from, but a good start is between the pipes for UNH, where G Danny Tirone turned away all but two of nearly 90 shots over the final two games. And for a team that didn't score until the 3 game series was more than halfway over ... Hobey candidate Tyler Kelleher and his teammates struck for 9 goals in just a little over 4 periods' worth of play (with 3 ENG's sprinkled into the mix). You have to wonder if MC blew this one last night when they didn't take advantage early and let UNH stay in the game. Suddenly, as things will happen sometimes, you have this situation seemingly under total control ... and then something you didn't expect happens, it gets away from you, and suddenly you're trying to make up two goal deficits for most of Sunday's finale, and you never get any traction, because all of a sudden, the guys you assumed were going to mail it in ... well, they figured, why not give it a shot?
Putting things somewhat in perspective ... UNH's 10th place finish was not an accident, and their current status as the most underwhelming of underdogs in a 3 game road series that none of us can rationally be expecting to turn out in anything but a UNH loss (likely via a sweep) remains unchanged. But boy oh boy, does this take a ton of pressure off of Coach's shoulders, and by extension those of his very grateful boss, who no doubt was hoping he wasn't going to have to push the button on his paisan. More on that later. This weekend's outcome is terrific news for those hoping to follow
The Quest to a happy ending at around this time next season (and hopefully WAY sooner).
The Big Picture - the only realistic goals right now are twofold - one for the short run, and the second the same as it's been since the lifetime contact "contracted" to only three (3) seasons. In the short run, having earned some real "post-season" games now, UNH will have up to three chances this coming weekend to add another 1-2 W's to Coach's CV ... but more importantly, an improbable upset sends Coach and the boys back to Boston with some honest to goodness real momentum. That also helps keep the "Kelleher for Hobey" campaign out in the public eye and relevant. Of course, the long term goal remains the NRN, which just received a HUGE boost this weekend. His return to his HC duties next season are just as assured as HRC's chances for the Democratic nomination were this time last year. Well done, Coach!!
As I said this time last weekend ... "win this series, and steal a game in the QF round ... and
The Quest lives to improbably fight on for another season". So that's where we are right now. And to a degree, UNH is playing with house money, no real pressure, and if Danny Tirone can keep to his "Dr. Jekyl" form for a few more games, Coach Umile may very well legally adopt him. On to next week/end in Lowell, where it all ends for now ... or does it?
Game One: @ Lowell 3 UNH 1
Game Two: @ Lowell 4 UNH 3 (OT)
Tonight, the UNH AD is in a restless mood, having a hard time settling his nerves after the ordeal his Men's Hockey program and its long-time head coach have subjected him to. But it's ended well for our hero, and before he settles down for a late winter's nap, with visions of a Men's Hoop title dancing like sugarplums in his head, he realizes there's a very good chance that the man he was worried about having to usher off the stage a year early has emerged from his latest trial by fire on the winning side, and may well be the last Winter sports coach standing yet. But first, the AD stops by the bathroom briefly and gazing into the glass, begins to consult with his most trusted of advisors ...
MS: YES!! I KNEW it would work!! YES!! That'll show 'em, doubting ME. Whaddaya think NOW?
ZM: Yes sir, you are the all-knowing, ever-powerful Oz ...
MS: DARNED STRAIGHT I'M AWESOME!! Yes!! YES!! (shakes fist defiantly at glass)
ZM: Sire, I never doubted you and your 35+ years of experience for a sec-

CS: ... honey, what's all the noise in the bathroom, dear? Your kidney stones acting up again??
MS: No darling, I'm just chatting with Richie on the cell ...
CS: ... but your phone is right here, on the dresser dear?

MS: (ack!) Oh, uh, gee thanks hon. I was wondering why Richie wasn't responding ...
CS: ... yeah, funny how it works better this way. Well, g'night dear, tell Richie congrats.
MS: Sure, will do sweetie. Be there in a couple (shutting the door tightly for privacy)
ZM: You were saying, Your Excellency ...
MS: (putting down phone, still off, cups hands over mouth)
ZM: Are you quite finished, sire?
yeah, for now. first thing tomorrow, let's ring up Matty Johnson and Bobby V to get this schedule stuff sorted ...
ZM: Your wish is my command, master. May I add one thing though?
MS: Depends ...
ZM: I just want to state, your brilliance knows no bounds.

I know. G'night!!