If you have such litte time, than go away. You add nothing to the conversation. Whether you believe something or not is meaningless. You have zero facts or insight, simply a 7 year old girl clipping and pasting on facebook.
Again, I dont want to waste time talking fringe crap with a borderline brad paisley poster boy.
The point about preps being a thing of the past and huge downswing is obvious to anyone with long term knowledge.
7-10 years ago Cushing, Andover, Exeter used to pump kids out left and right. The Catholic Conference did not, outside of CM. Even that had dried up over past 3-5 years+/-.
Now you have St Johns who has 4 already, MC, who had not had one since Keith (20 years ago) now has 2 currently playing D 1, 3 on the current roster and 2 more who will be signed by years end. Thats 7, vs 0 in 20+ years.
CC is clearly on the rise and the D 1 coaches know it. That is why you have a better chance of watching Parker, York, Donato etc at a CC game thana p[rep game, which I have seen 3 or 4 times so far this year.
CC is all local kids 17/18 tops. Kids from our communities who drive back and forth to school.
Prep deals are way, way down and not considered the dominant league they once were. Again, only a guy with internet and zero connections would feel otherwise.
Exeter has 4 out of 24 kids on roster from Mass.
Exeter has 1 kid from mass in top 10 in scoring, a 19+ year old with 1 goal....
In 04/05 they had 10 mass kids with 6 of the top 10 in scoring from mass
Andover had 15 kids on roster from mass, 8 of the top 10 in scoring and all 3 captains from mass.
It is not even worth discussing with someone who has no idea what he is atlking about outside what he reads on line.
Most importantly, my opinion does not matter asd neither does his. the coaches do. Ask one the next time you see them if they would have taken a kid from mc 8-10 years ago, nope. Now, all day long.
Ask them if they feel prep is a shell of itself.
Just like this clown(literal) uses the internet to get a definition of an uderage player.
Overage to the coaches means aging out as we speak/current year.
Of age means this year, free from any roster restrictions(limited to certain number per team, different for USHL and BCHL)
Underager means 2+ years left, in other words no restrictions this year or next. Just like I am sure he wouldnt get it if a coach said we can trade him now with no import issue and underage. Or he is an underager with zero educational exposure. He would simply shrug and say "Huh, or Duh"
Only someone arrogant enough to tell everyone what an entire coaching staff has done, exactly what they said etc would write like he does.
Its like talking with an nfl coach based upon what you read in the paper.
Clueless times 50