I didn't use those terms specifically with anyone on this thread, Snives. If I mean to, you know me well enough from posting that I'd say so. If the remarks hit someone close to home … then it is what it is. I'm just one person with one set of opinions, and I try to be very clear who I'm responding to - be it e.cat, Greg, 'Watcher, Dan, you, Ref, scoreboard, etc. And it's why I excluded HR in one of my recent posts, since I know her, and I know she doesn't like getting caught in the crossfire on here.
Both of our kids went to UNH, graduated (one with a Masters) and are working in their fields.
UNH has done quite well for all things WIS and Effingwoods, and we are certainly grateful.
It's the larger "bubble" of academia that I'm (far) less enamored with … and I'm not limiting my voiced concerns in that post to academia, mind you. Identity politics has been the emerging scourge of society in general, and we all need to walk away from that crap ASAP. But I'm guessing that most folks on here are wondering if UNH is going to find a way to get an important win tonight in Boston, so I'll leave it at that. Happy to pick that up later if anyone wants to, though.
And before I forget … thanks for clarifying the wanna-be Bandwagoner was Harvard (and Oxford) graduate William Floyd Weld (RINO-MA), Snives.