Really didn't want to get into it with someone who's probably been my favorite poster on here for a long LONG time, due to his consistent quality and subtle sense of humor. But with a second shot across the bow coming in overnight, I guess I need to at least chime in. Apologies to all in advance …
First of all, you throw around the use of two terms (one pejorative about the previous President, the other on liberals) that I've never used, either here or elsewhere. I'll talk about 44 later. There are also a few other "straw men" you've set up in the space of two relatively tidy posts, and then proceeded to take out. Good for you, I guess. If I were following your lead, I guess this is the point where I'd accuse you of being a granola-munching, MSNBC Maddow devotee? But I don't know that, so I won't go there.
I'm not sure where "victimhood" comes into play, but if that's the called-for reaction you're sensing through your political lens, who am I to tell you otherwise, 'Watcher? I think others might have already seen it for what it is, which is lamenting that folks of different persuasions used to be able to come on here and enjoy a little bit of harmless give-and-take, no harm, no foul. And it seems like even that has gone away. I'll just have to adjust to the changing winds of the USCHO/UNH world at some point.
Now briefly onto the "meat and potatoes" … I never voted for President Obama (I know, you're shocked), and I wasn't really a big fan of many of his liberal policies. But he was elected (twice) fair and square, so he was the President, and we all have our feelings on how well those 8 years went. So in 2016, President Trump was elected, fair and square, and all we've heard from those of the other political persuasion has been hair-on-fire, end-of-the-world, non-stop whining for almost 4 years now. And ironically, the whining comes in the aftermath of the opposition to President Trump lecturing him (and his supporters) on how dangerous and poisonous it would be to question the legitimacy of elections. I guess that only applies when elections (which President Obama most assuredly told us "have consequences") go the way the entitled folks determine they should go. Which reminds me of this recent take from the Babylon Bee on that very point …
Also, I know it's Page One of the "Resist" playbook to try to cast Fox News in a negative light, since all media should be squarely on the same page, since there's only one right way to think. Dems, liberals, the left, the elite, whatever - when the mainstream media has a very obvious, baked-in bias that runs in your favor, then every game is a home game, and I suppose Fox and the deplorables are supposed to be the Washington Generals to your Harlem Globetrotters, right? Except when MSM supports the blatantly false "Russia" narrative for well over three (3) years. Fox didn't lie to us on that fraud. I don't necessarily subscribe to each and every point Fox backs (I'm a Tucker Carlson guy, not so much for Sean Hannity, and I know e-cat was/is a Bill O'Reilly guy), but if nothing else, the last few years has exposed the MSM as blatantly partisan (which many of us suspected long ago).
But before we put this one to bed for good, 'Watcher (and others, Dan, etc.) rest assured I'm fine with the give-and-take, and yours truly is never going to claim "victimhood" because that's not the way I'm wired. I suppose amassing "victimhood" points on your side of the aisle apparently works the same way you describe your "trolling" points or whatever. And if I'm missing the humorous intent on your part - which BTW I've not entirely ruled out yet - my sincere apologies, you "got" me really good.