Not quite, Ray. If the players aren't moving that much, then they won't be changing the angles on the defense, which can then anticipate where those angles and seams might be, and clog those lanes much more easily. I do agree, puck movement is the most important piece, but if the attacking players are semi-stationary, it doesn't force defenders to move, and it's when you get defenders to move that scoring chances open up.
When I was younger, in a decidedly less high-tech world, I used to explain to players that the straight-line movement you see in one of those vintage table hockey games of our youth was exactly the way NOT to score goals. You create chances either when you can beat someone with skill and/or speed while on the puck, OR with creative movement off the puck, in doing so allowing yourself or a teammate to get a clean look at goal.
Sometimes you get lucky and there's a friendly bounce, or you can set things up for a screen or deflection. Forcing opponents to give up possession deep in their own zone is good, too. But so long as we're talking effective PP production, movement is at the top of the list of how to make it work. And it can't all be just puck movement. Only so many permutations/combinations to be played between 5 fixed position players around 4 (or sometimes 3) defenders. And whatever you do ... don't get Snives all worked up about the approach that puts 3 attacking players below the opponent's goal line …![]()
You got that straight on my feelings about MS7's 5-3 PP strategy, Chuck, as uncommon as the opportunity is. And, I agree entirely that skaters need to keep their feet moving, which I hear Jack and Brick obsessing on constantly. One timers and rebounds is the key on the PP, imho. I agree with Ray, DeltaBravo, and others that time should not be wasted getting into predictable positions on the PP, which is a double whammy. How many times have I screamed "shoot the .... 'ing puck!" at the Whitt, Snively, and Batchelder Rink over the past six decades? "A bundle!" to quote a favorite POTUS of the right wingers (heh, heh) here.
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