That's usually how it happens. The kids that had "offers" from the biggies didn't have full offers necessarily and/or got offered more cash at the school they committed to. Then the back-story becomes, we got a kid over BC/BU. These are usually the same types of people that tell the story about how a certain Calgary Flame "committed" to UNH but couldn't get thru admissions so he had to fall back on BC.
First of all, if you're going to continuously bring up the Gaudreau story, you should get it right. The fact of the matter is UNH admissions refused to even review his transcripts. I can promise you that much is flat out true. Now, that doesn't mean he picks UNH if his application is reviewed, but that is beside the point. The idea that admissions would simply blow off the athletic department, let alone in the case of a transcendent athlete is a huge concern. I can't speak for everyone here, but that is why the story bothers me. And that is why I believe it gets brought up as often as it does. They never gave themselves a chance.
You bring up a great point about recruiting, however - I've tried to express many times here that not all interest and offers are created equal. Most recently and notably with Wyse and his supposed BU interest - I don't question anyone's sources or integrity, but miscommunication and misunderstandings (and especially exaggerations) often happen when people discuss offers. They happen without any nefarious intentions. Still, the idea that BU would match UNH or could afford to offer anything substantial in the same off-season they were forced to run off a kid like Fortunato because they had no money or PT is silly...
Another misconception is the idea that UNH or any other school cannot compete for recruits with the BCs, BUs, etc and must settle for scraps. Sure, they may start with an advantage - but the key difference in landing these kids are the recruiters selling those schools and the biggest obstacle for the rest of the pack are the recruiters on those competing campuses.
I don't think anybody feared BC when Cedorchuk was leading recruiting. York is a monster. BU lost a a ton of recruiting battles late in Parker's career and now Quinn has them absolutely rolling. Notre Dame was an after thought until Jackson arrived and chased whoever he wanted without reservation. Maine had no business getting elite recruits until Walsh arrived and settled for nothing less. Providence scared no one and now Leaman has them in the mix for all kinds of top kids. Why anyone would want to go anywhere but Miami is a mystery to me - but the RedHawks were never in the mix until Blasi showed up and was determined to get in on the best kids. Etc, etc, etc...
(BTW, existing in all the situations above are HC who are heavily invested in recruiting, making it a personal priority and taking on a/the leading roles in the process)
When you watch the game tonight remember that Alabama was an afterthought for a long time between dynasties. Clemson was almost always an also ran. Suddenly, two hungry, ambitious and relentless recruiting coaches/staffs arrived...
The biggest mistake recruiters make is deciding for prospects (i.e. He wouldn't be interested, we're not BC, let's focus elsewhere). McCloskey went after whoever he wanted. It paid off. He knew UNH offered every bit the package as any other school - it was just different. Borek had his moments, and had a few more 'initial' moments he couldn't bring to fruition, but I'm not sure he ever really had that belief. Certainly not at the end.
UNH doesn't lose kids to BC, BU because they're BC and BU or because they're in Boston. They lose when they're out recruited by better recruiters. Commesso is, hopefully, an indication that Souza believes UNH is an elite place to go and isn't afraid to recruit against anyone in the country...
As for Commesso, he is in a special class. As an extremely young prospect - and even more so as a goalie - he has a lot of developing to do, but he could have written his ticket to any school in the country. The big schools UNH supposedly can't compete with would love to have him. He's considered a favorite for the NTDP, on par with Knight and for now one of, and arguably the, best North American goalie in his birth year. He is in the same vein as Kelleher JVR, Hemingway and Collins in that he had options and he CHOSE UNH...
I am far from Souza's biggest recruiting fan to date - and there are lots of question makes surrounding even his top commits - but Commesso isn't just a guy, he's a GUY...