Exception here of course is UConn which followed seemed to follow the more rare "build it and they will come" model of Pegulla at Penn State and ASU. They did use a good deal of University/State money, though. Of course that was a $70m proj, dramatically larger than everything mentioned above aside from what's happening in Orono.
There are definitely really good examples in less "frugal" states. I was honestly surprised that in Mass both UML and UMA upgrade projects were philanthropic gifts. I went down this rabbit hole because of a comment pages and pages back about Maine having a larger hockey budget (they don't) and the state investing heavily in Alfond (it isn't).
Look the State of New Hampshire drastically underfunds the University, provides ZERO dollars to the University for anything other than academics. Athletics, dinning, housing, etc. all those other parts of a University other than classroom education must be funded outside of the tiny amount the State annually provides. Personally I think this is incredibly short sited by the state as the University is a significant economic engine and with more support could be even better. What I think is right isn't always reality. The State regularly bocks at allowing the University to bond all sorts projects because the State might, maybe, be on the hook someday in the future.
As to Pegulla at Penn State it actually makes my point
"The facility was brought to fruition by an initial $88 million donation - the largest in University history - from Terry and Kim Pegula, who, through their gift, helped Penn State realize its goal of Division I hockey."
Which... wait for it ... is another example of "new arenas and renovations funded by private money at a state school". (Potluck - facts not opinion) Again I am not saying it is "right".
As a P.S. at ground breaking Terry Pegula increased the donation by $14M more to $102M.
And just for fun we all know the state of North Dakota funded building Ralph Englestad Arena... errr wait ... that was Casino money from Las Vegas donated to the State school to privately fund a new arena... who did that donation????
Wait, just for a little more fun. Uconn and the $70M Toscano Family Ice Forum, named for the lead donor Dan Toscano, the project was financed by PRIVATE DONATIONS. Yup the State of Connecticut contributed $0 (yes ZERO DOLLARS). Which... wait for it ... is another example of "new arenas and renovations funded by private money at a state school".
Now I will admit Uconn hockey has NEVER been successful and Pegula gave money to create a non existent program at Penn State. So these are both exceptions to win now get upgrades later. They are however other really good examples of "new arenas and renovations funded by private money at a state school".
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