Sorry to sidebar from the current dialog. Some fair points and considerations from all you guys in this debate. To distill it down to the simplest and most obvious, as Nike said of Tiger: "winning takes care of everything". Just win...
Chuck - I don't think this is a fair bullet to fire at MS7. I know you loved the big sheet, as did a bunch of other people on here (nod to you, Dan, with due respect for our long-ago repartee on the topic...). And truthfully, I did as well - intially. But over time I reaized it was the novelty I liked, not the game on the big sheet. Clearly, some of this boils down to personal preference and for me, some personal experience. Probably TMI but I've played (poorly) decades of sh!!ty mens league hockey all over NH. But the eye-opener for me was during the 3 years I lived in Orlando. We played at the RDV facility which has both; NHL and Oly sheets. Playing D, I hated games on the big sheet. Of course it was no-check so with all that perimeter room, you never dared to challenge a forward entering the zone. Goalies would be screaming at us; "step - up on him!!" We'd be like, "ok, but you'd better be ready for the guy to be in your face...alone". At the much higher level of D-1 hockey, I gotta believe this became a real factor - of the many - in the now universal decisions to shrink college rinks. The advantage for jitterbug forwards was not an advantage for the guys playing D.
Anyway, I digress and recognize I'm beating a dead horse. Bottom line for me as a fan...I prefer to see the skill (or not) of players in tight, close quarters under pressure with impending contact, not winging it around the perimeter, going for a sunday afternoon lake-skate, which always bored the crap out of me. But thats just me.
Lastly, as a matter of fact, by this time next season - fall 2025 - the last 2 Oly sheets in college hockey (Alaska and St. Cloud) will be converted to NHL or hybrid. That makes all (probably a dozen+/-) rinks build in the Oly-sheet zenith of the 90's to be shrunk. Seems that a lot of qualified hockey minds don't feel the "competitive advantage" (goalies hated it too) stands up as a "must have" anymore. It was largely a recruiting thing at the time that evolved to became a recruiting disadvantage, especially when the IOC allowed NHL players into the winter games in late 90's. Times have changed.
FWIW, this is a link to an old article on the topic but the case made for shrinking still holds up, IMHO.
Not a bad guess Snives! Despite a lousy 3rd we hung on to get the W. Sweet game for our boy Marty! Da Whale continues to impress when it counts.
wow didn't realize we went ten seasons without a win at Matthews...I should because I went to most of them!
Three in a row and 5-1-1 in their last 7 (according to NESN guys?) Big PWR test coming with the Big Green...
14 in PWR FWIW dept...go 'Cats!
Yes. I grew up in Exeter and lived next door to Dana Barbin.
He would bring the bring the team over to the house for homecooked meals and beer. As a little boy, I was the keg pumper and an unofficial mascot. I think all my sticks were cutoffs given to me by various players, in addition to hand me down gloves.
My first memory ever was a game at Snively. My dad grew up in Duluth and was quite the player himself, so we always went to games.
As for UNH, I went because it was relatively cheap. I was the poor kid who was accepted to the Exeters and Andovers of the world and the Tier 1 universities but didn't have the cash. So, I found UNH terribly easy and quite boring. I ended up going to the library to read a book a day on whatever caught my fancy. As an autodidact, I found it easy to teach myself, but knew I needed a degree.
Upon graduation, I moved to the border of China/Mongolia to work for a company as the only foreigner in a city of 4mm and never looked back. Even then, my parents would send VHS tapes of games broadcast on Channel 11.
Dan: I appreciate the Tony Robbins speech but that's all it really is. The failure to get the renovations going is about money. Second rate player facilities is money. Your argument that you can simply talk people into accepting less is pretty hollow stuff when the audience knows better. Good recruits have advisors and parents that can see through the Tony Robbins foolishness. Commitment is unmistakable when you see it. I've been reading about the third rate customer service treatment season ticket holders get from the administration. That's NOT Mike Souza. The elimination of the Friends of UNH hockey. Not Mike Souza. Mike Souza is likely not the solution. But he's also not the problem.
Anyone else watch da game at Matthews tonight? I thought that Lavins and Da Whale played well.
Dan: Umile had a brand new hockey arena fall into his lap a few years into his tenure. When built, the Whit was the number 2 college hockey rink in the east. Bill Bowes likely could have recruited good hockey players during the first few years in that place. Umile took advantage of the low hanging fruit and won a lot of games. But then the building and Whistling Dick aged . The one that could be updated never was.
Umile only got the big salary boost by threatening to leave for UMass. That’s not supporting a program. That’s responding to a threat. That’s very poor management to let it come to that.
I’d like to know the recruiting budgets at all HE schools. During Walsh’s heyday he had Grant Standbrook basically on the road full time recruiting. Does anyone doubt UNH is near the bottom of HE recruiting budgets?
...5-1-1 in their last 7 (according to NESN guys?) Big PWR test coming with the Big Green...
Umile coached 6 seasons prior to the Whit opening so it did not fall into his lap.
Chuck: Lazy? Sal Lupoli went to Northeastern but, you know, Faro and Lupoli are both Italian and I’m sure that’s enough for Lupoli to help fund renovations at the Whit.
Nice road win tonight for the 'Cats. Take down the Big Green next weekend, and we go to the break kinda happy ...
Fixed your post
Urumqi, Hohot or Lanzhou? Ramona says each of those are hundreds of miles/km's from the Mongolian border ...![]()
UNH sweeps this weekend. By Monday there are dozens of new posts on this thread. A few have to do with the games.![]()
I happened, for some unknown reasonAfter the UConn series - outside of two with UVM and one with Merrimack - its all Boston University (3), Boston College (3), Maine (2), Lowell (2) and UMass (2). So the time to make hey, and generate momentum, is now...
Does it count as a sweep if the poster/predictor didn't look and the schedule and know it was a one game weekend? lol
I know nothing of or about DiLorenzo and Faro or the ethnic circles Durham folks mingle in. Dean Kamen I do know a little about. He has a LOT of money, probably a lot more than DiLorenzo and Faro combined. The Segway was cool but a tinker toy compared to the work Dean has done with infusion pumps, dialysis machines, the iBot, water purification systems and now ARMI which I believe UNH Manch with its STEM focus is involved with. I've been fortunate to meet Dean a few times at his facility and once at a fundraiser he hosted in his home. He is definitely a man who successfully partners with many government and non government organizations, but I never got the impression he cares at all about sports.Right now, we (UNH) are scratching the surface with TDL (Tony DiLorenzo of Key Auto Group). There are guys who are on the back end of very profitable careers in the real world like Joe Faro (Tuscan Village empire in Salem NH) and Sal Lupoli (Sal's), who is about to try to launch a billion dollar upgrade to the Casino complex on Hampton Beach, which is working its way through the local planning boards. IIRC at least Faro has his education history in Durham. Lupoli has sold a lot of pizza slices up and down the Merrimack Valley, and has transformed a decent chunk of the Lawrence waterfront (hold the chuckles) into profitable commercial real estate. Dean Kamen is also a name that comes to mind, although I'm not sure his Segway thing ever changed the world like many thought it would. At least two of these guys could match if not surpass what the Alfond Family Trust has done for UMaine. Are the folks in Durham too snooty to mingle with two Italian guys who made their dough on pizza and Italian cuisine?? Maybe Faro and Lupoli missed a trick, not buying out The Rosa one of the half-dozen times it's changed hands since Umile was its favorite customer???
These questions need to be asked. Darius???![]()
If you say so, kinda looks the same to me ...