Any discussion of this topic has to be viewed through a lens of reality - and the fact of the matter is that in the current environment no fans in the stands is simply the cost of having a season at all. You won't be in the building whether games are played or canceled, so I'd appreciate the fact they're trying to play. No fans is the protocol at every college hockey arena in the country (at least for now). Debating the semantics under which you would feel safe, or believe fans could be allowed in the building, is pointless. Targeting UNH for a decision that has been made across the country even more so...
I'll repeat what I posted the other day ...
There's ample cover to be had when you run with the herd, precious little when you go on your own.
If BS35+infinity and UNH wanted to truly show some vision or leadership on the issue, they could pick up the phone and call the Governor to see if they could work something out at The Whitt initially ... and then IF failing at that, what prevents them from proposing the idea of playing hockey "Winter Classic" style across the street in Wildcat Stadium this Winter? You're no longer indoors, you don't have to sweat the concerns about the faulty compressor etc. at The Whitt for another season, you get more flexibility on distancing, AND you generate a ton of publicity not only with your own fan base, but suddenly your home games become a unique viewing experience for your opponents' fan base as well - not to mention dragging in a few "casuals" and potentially converting them to UNH fans for the long term. It would be a PR bonanza for the State and UNH.
So probably the Governor doesn't play along ... but maybe he does? It's an opportunity for him to reach out to UNH and try to improve relations between UNH and Concord in a time of need ... and the last time I checked, the Governor (who won a 3rd term in a landslide 3 weeks ago) has dozens of folks camped out across from his home on weekends protesting his latest mandates, and it's starting to generate unwanted media attention (plus his neighbors are irked). UNH needs the Governor, and the Governor could use a distraction to show everyone else he's not a bad guy after all. If you ask me, worth a call. If Sununu says no, then hey, at the very least, there's a story showing UNH tried to reach out, and got shot down. I'd even give the AD a positive name-check for giving it a shot. What's the harm in asking?
Or you can just try to sell the cardboard cut-outs at $50 a pop, like everyone else.
Seeing those results elsewhere, the best you could reasonably hope for is a couple hundred (maybe $10,000) in the student section, or across from the cameras. Do you swing for the fences and risk a strikeout (Winter Classic style across the street) ... or do you take a two-out walk with the pitcher's slot up next (sell a few dozen cardboard cut-outs)? Ten years from now, will we be talking about cardboard pictures, or hockey under the stars? Easy call for me.
The cardboard cutouts are NOT expected to generate revenue to fund the athletic department. The hope is they (along with other marketing and fundraising initiatives) can generate ENOUGH revenue to allow the department to survive the downturn without harming any major stakeholders. I would be willing to bet there are AT LEAST ten employees in the UNH athletic department making 35,000/Year or less (Chuck's example of a fully cardboard Whitt could cover those salaries for a year). If the cutout revenue only covers those salaries for the next few months and prevents the firing or furloughing of those employees (who are already underpaid and living paycheck to paycheck) is it a gimmick you can live with? Perhaps the revenue generated from the cutouts and other initiatives will allow UNH to avoid slashing scholarship budgets across multiple sports? If a student-athlete can keep their scholarship - and UNH doesn't fall (further) behind the competition - is that worth the gimmick? Or is it all still just follow the leader? You don't have to like the idea, but maybe, just maybe, it isn't about either of you...
If they could generate that kind of revenue, gimmick or not, then I'd totally understand and support it. But that's just not going to happen with the cardboard cut-outs, Dan. You know it, I know it, we all know it. It didn't help that in putting the idea out there, it only got into the newsfeed, but I didn't see anything on it in the Union Leader, WMUR, or anywhere else. Maybe I missed it, but if not, just another example of the closed-minded "bubble" think we see too often at UNH, and in academia in general. Too bad.
Until someone starts acting like a leader over there, then sadly it is indeed all about "follow the leader", and the ample cover provided for those who run with the herd.
If Walshy were still with us ... does anyone seriously doubt he'd have floated the "Winter Classic" approach to the powers-that-be in Orono, with front page BDN and PPH coverage?