Chuck Murray
WIS & Effingwoods Hockey Almanac
I think that is over the top but have to appease certain people I guess
Yup, total appeasement. For an extreme example by comparison of something else that makes very little sense ... I still play on an Over 45 Men's soccer team, but in reality it's a mix of players literally between the ages of 35-65 (and I'm not quite 60 myself yet). We just finished up a 4 month outdoor season (July-October) with minimal restrictions. Most of the players on my usual team are older than I am; some aren't playing currently due to concerns about COVID, others (including me) are still playing.
We've had to merge with another team with the same general demographics, so those of us who still want to play can play. Play shifted to indoors in late October, and we were then confronted with the idea that these trending-elderly players (most unlike me keep themselves in pretty good shape; I'm a 'keeper and don't have to run, so I'm a little less fit, shall we say?) were all going to be required to play with masks. Personally, I'd prefer not to, but given the choice between playing and not playing, it was an easy decision just to suck it up and do it.
But what I was not quite prepared for was to watch my teammates (and opponents) trying to run around at usual levels, and just constantly searching for air behind these masks. It's literally painful to watch, it really is. And frankly, it's probably only a matter of time before one of these players has a cardiac or vascular issue - not from the virus, but from forced mask usage. We've had discussions about it with the facility, and in the end, we suspect their position is, "hey, if you catch the virus and die not wearing a mask, it's on us, but if you croak from a heart attack because of the mask, go blame the State".
College hockey players are obviously much younger, far more fit, and far more suited to repelling the virus (as in 99.999% to "only" 99% likely to survive), so yeah - "appeasement" and token gestures (a sports version of "virtue signaling" even) is a fair & accurate assessment of the situation if mask usage is mandated in D-1 hockey. It's not mandated in D-1 football, is it?