Sorry to disappoint you. When you post I immediately scroll to the end. If you could no longer be on google what would you do with your spare time? Which you seem to have plenty of.
Lol, tell me more about that post and my posting style while simultaneously pretending you don't read my posts. I bet you read it twice...
That post took me 10 minutes and nothing more than the top of my head and a glance at Miami's stats. I wanted to get the stat totals correct. The rest I just knew. Pretty smart, huh?
I'm passionate about college hockey, UNH and Miami, so it was pretty easy to fit into my schedule. Youve wasted a lot more than 10 minutes of your time tonight (I see you stalking the board for my response) - despite your supposed indifference. Here you are waiting with baited breath for more Dan content...
If you want to worry about anyone maximizing their free time, I'd start there before you worry about me and my .2 USCHO posts per day over the last 25 years. To put your mind at ease, It is not difficult or time consuming for me to express myself...
With your confusion to that point, I shudder to imagine how long it took you to come up with 'Seinfeld good'. I hope not too long, because, I mean, that is the stuff people flock to this board for. Terrific insight!
This post actually took longer as I went back and forth after writing the above, on whether or not to even bother. You seem pretty invested in me so I didn't want to leave you hanging, but that axe you're still grinding from a honest question wondering about UNH Football's playoff draw probably just got a lot sharper. Don't worry, I won't ask this year...
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