I suspect Albie got some notice for coach if the year when BU went on a mini run in the middle of their shortened season before the wheels fell off after opposing coaches figured them out.
Oh and Chuck, you really shouldn't have worn your Montreal Expos hat to the Capitol riot. You stick out like a sore thumb on that sedition watch website where they identify you guys for the FBI.
Funny thing is, and this is a true story ... I really haven't worn my Expos hat since late 2013, and it absolutely had an FBI angle to it, Rover. That was the year of the Marathon bombing, and I was near the finish line with my then-HS age daughter who was/still is an accomplished distance runner, but we were only there as spectators (we'd both never been before). The skies were the clearest blue skies I could ever remember, we were there when the top runners from both divisions finished, and we were halfway back to NH when the world news happened literally adjacent to where we'd been 90 minutes earlier.
Flash forward to late 2013, and we were attending a cross-country event down in NYC over Thanksgiving Day weekend with several of her HS teammates and their families. One of the other parents comes up to show me a video excerpt of this big old dope standing near the finish line 7 months earlier in Boston, wearing an Expos hat (wonder who?). Apparently he was an FBI guy and this was video taken from one of dozens of surveillance cameras mounted in the area, and he could expand the video to identify it as yours truly, with daughter in front of me. We had a good chuckle about it, but it was spooky, and the Expos hat (which I'd also worn to that NYC event) was replaced as my regular hat by a hat featuring the logo of the local soccer club I'd founded a few years earlier. I still have the Expos hat, but it rarely makes it out of the house anymore.
Our daughter has since run the Marathon several times, and I've been by that site a few times before when it wasn't Marathon Monday, but I haven't been able to go back to that place on the day of the race. Probably some form of survivor's guilt, even though we were long gone well before it happened.
That's my honest-to-goodness "Forrest Gump" story, in the wrong place at the right time.
It's now officially the offseason, I guess ... ;-)