So to clarify. UConn promised as a part of the agreement when joining hockey east they would build an on campus arena. UConn has stopped (?) planning to build an on campus arena because they're happy with their attendance at one of their off campus sites, but the other ones they continue to schedule even with the poor attendance.
Personally, besides the breach in contract i could care less where UConn plays their home games. That said, I'm skeptical that playing at XL is sustainable, if the team continues it's poor on ice product (not saying they will, though i find it laughable to think UConn believes it can play like this in the first half and get hot ala BC in the second half) attendance will dip. On campus arenas stabilize attendance because all that need be done at a school as large as UConn is open up more seats to students.
In the end, you are going back on your word, which is indefensible at least to many on this board. In light of UConn trying to get into a better conference for all sports, pulling this stuff is probably not sending the best message